We are looking forward to co-presenting the final “Security ABCs” workshop in the 2017 (ISC)² EMEA Secure Summit Series. The summit will take place in London on December 12-13, 2017.

(ISC)² is the world’s leading Cybersecurity and IT Security professional organisation. It is an international, nonprofit membership association with more than 125,000 certified members covering every aspect of information security.

Marmalade Box Managing Director, Bruce Hallas, has already presented this year at Secure Summit events in Amsterdam, Stockholm, and Zurich sharing a taster of some of the valuable lessons that he has learned in researching and developing the SABCTM methodology for Marmalade Box.

The Security ABCs Workshop for (ISC)² draws together three leaders in the field to present an introduction to the three different aspects of security awareness, behaviour and culture. Bruce is joined in the workshop by Dr. Jessica Barker and Dr. Ciarán McMahon, each taking one of three aspects.

“It’s been a pleasure to have presented on the human factor at (ISC)2 events for three years now but I believe that in 2017 we’ve seen a real turning point in our industry”, comments Bruce. “The importance of understanding what motivates individuals and groups to behave in certain ways and how we can develop programmes which use that to firmly embed the right security behaviour deep in organisational culture is finally being recognised. These secure summits have been a great way to introduce security professionals from across EMEA to a topic I’ve devoted the last five years to, and I hope that many will have taken what they learn in these workshops forward into their own organisations to implement better Security Awareness training”.


For more information on (ISC)2 and the Secure Summit Series click here.


For more information about the SABCTM methodology, the Marmalade Box approach to security awareness training and its resultant impact on security culture click here.