Cyber entrepreneur Q&A with David Shipley
We're all about the human factor, and this means that we're interested in the humans in our industry, and their story. So in continuing our theme of putting cyber security professionals in the hot seat, this week we're shining a light on cyber entrepreneur David...
Security Awareness Practitioner Q&A with Jason Hoenich
If, like us, you're curious, then you might be wondering what other security awareness practitioners are up and how they got into the work they do. Because it's such a new area of work, people often have very different journeys into the industry. So, we're thrilled to...
Top Podcast Episodes 2019
As we prepare for the launch of the next series of the podcast - more on that very soon - we're taking a look back to last year to see which episodes proved to be the most popular. 1. Effective Leadership and Successful Organisational Change, with John P. Kotter This...
What you lose by not working with a security awareness partner
Not all companies think about working with a security awareness partner. But with the importance of security awareness on the rise, it makes sense to consider finding a good security awareness partner to work with. Think about it. Working with a security awareness...
What can Brexit teach us about decision making?
Brexit! You’ve probably heard about it if you’re British or live in Europe. In case you need bringing up to speed, here's a quick summary. After 40 years together, Europe and the UK are negotiating how they will separate and go their own ways. It’s a hard story to...
How To Avoid A Loathsome Education And Awareness Job
Who wants to do a loathsome education and awareness job? No-one, right? You only get one life and you spend roughly a third of it at work, so why wouldn’t you want to have the most rewarding career and lead the best life you can? To do that means being strategic...
Why You Need A Brilliant Security Awareness Manager
The world is constantly changing! That means the environment within which information security is delivered is always changing. As quickly as the industry responds to a new threat or a change in regulations, hackers find a different way to infiltrate our systems and...
The importance of multi cultural security awareness training
There are approximately 7000 languages spoken around the world and various studies estimate that 60-66% of people can speak at least one language. Yet listening to a foreign language, even if you’re highly proficient in it, takes more mental and physical energy than...
The hidden costs of cheap cybersecurity training
OK… let’s do a thought experiment. If I say “nutritious food” what comes to mind? Salads, lean meat, fish, fruit, vegetables? What about chips? Chips are fine every now and then, but would you eat them every night and expect to reach your health goals? Probably not!...
How to build a business case for security awareness training
We work with security professionals from all sorts of backgrounds in organisations of all shapes and sizes around the world. Many of them are education and awareness managers (EAMs) and it doesn’t matter where they work, when it comes to security awareness training,...
Defining security awareness in your business
Just as every organisation is different, security awareness is different for every organisation. And all businesses need to consider their definition of security awareness as a vital element in their overarching strategy to try and protect themselves against...
Why You Need to Rethink the ‘Top-down’ Security Culture Mantra
During 2018 Google employees have very publicly aired their concerns over a clash between what the company says are important organisational cultural values and what, as employees, they have observed. Most recently, on November 1, more than 3000 employees in New York...