Back in December I shared the stage with Dr. Ciaran McMahon and Dr. Jessica Barker as we completed our 2017 grand tour of Europe delivering the Security ABC Workshop at ISC2 London. The workshop’s were really very well attended, with in excess of 100 CISSP’s and non...
We are looking forward to co-presenting the final “Security ABCs” workshop in the 2017 (ISC)² EMEA Secure Summit Series. The summit will take place in London on December 12-13, 2017. (ISC)² is the world’s leading Cybersecurity and IT Security professional...
Bruce Hallas has been delivering a workshop along with Dr. Jessica Barker and Ciaran McMahon at the ISC2 Secure Summits. They recently shared this video testimonial from an attendee at the Stockholm event. Kaspersky Labs Security Evangelist, David Jacoby, concluded...
I have just returned from ISC2 Zurich where I delivered, alongside Dr. Ciaran McMahon and Dr. Jessica Barker, a third workshop on awareness, behaviour and culture. The workshop was hosted and organised by ISC2 as part of their 2017 Secure Summits events. The number of...
Following on from the success of the Summit in Amsterdam, last week I found myself back in Stockholm with ISC2, Ciaran McMahon and Jessica Barker, to share insights into awareness, behaviour and culture. It’s always a warm welcome when people recognise you from...