Training & Awareness

Our philosophy on securing the human is simple. Bringing about change, in behaviours, means understanding how behaviours are formed and most effectively influenced to bring about more positive outcomes.

70% of cyber attacks involve some form of social engineering

Just who is leaking those new product plans?

We believe that awareness is the first step in a journey towards securing a culture of security best practise. We guide organisations along this journey by applying our Security Awareness, Behaviour & Culture (SABC™) model to their business needs.

Whether you are at the beginning of your journey and need to focus solely on compliance or confident that you are looking to secure positive security behaviours which deliver a suitable culture we can help.


Get employee attention and make them aware of the threats and your expectations of them.

Our awareness programmes use marketing communication know how and platforms for engaging with employees to catch their attention in a creative way. They will also throw light on some of the pitfalls which undermine awareness campaigns.

Programmes include branding, computer based training, films, games, questionnaires, workshops, presentations and more.


It’s well established that just because someone is aware of a threat, or how they should respond, that a significant number will not change their behaviour to bring about a positive outcome.

We recognised this and have researched the root of the challenge starting with understanding what influences behaviour .

We have then applied this knowledge to the information security domain.


Every organisation has what we call a strategic culture. This is what the organisation wants to be. However this is subject to several other types of culture. National and sub-cultures belonging to different demographics within your work force all influence what the actual day to day culture is.

We call the difference between intended and actual cultures the culture gap and we have worked hard to show how to close that gap in a demonstrable way.